Cinerimorphosis: design po(i)etics and matter narratives
Soft Matters PhD projects explore individual topics but can also be embedded in larger research frameworks. The PhDs are prepared in Ensadlab through the SACRe doctoral programme associated with the doctoral school ED540, PSL University. Their funding comes from either academic or private sources, notably through SACRe , ANR or CIFRE programmes and regularly involve both academic and industry partners. Click on each picture to get further details about these PhD projects.
Behaving Knit: Exploring the Integrative Solution for Shape-changing Wearables by Knitting Technologies
[ Y ] : Hériter, actualiser, partager et transmettre une autre approche des formes non techniques
No Cuts No Seams: Woven Alternatives to Cut-and-Sewn Garments
Persistance: extending textiles’ lifespan through evolutive surface design
Designing sensitive states of matter: an anthropology of transmittable skills
Converging Design: Symbiotic bricologies
New fashion materials in the collections of the House of Balenciaga in the 21st century. The need for research through the practice of textile restoration (2023)
Textilising the built memory through architectural rubble’s in situ recycling (2022)
Hair work craft: hair as creative matter for a practice-based & textile design-led research (2022)
Clinique vestimentaire: for a new paradigm of custom-made clothing design (2019)