Biocalcified textile architecture
Teaching activities are an integral part of Soft Matters approach to research. Our courses -primarily undertaken in the master level of the textile & material design department of Ecole des Arts Déco-, are relying on a design-led and hands-on workshop approach allowing intensive time of exchanges with a constant dialogue between theory and practice. They are always underpinned by a specific research question and often venture into interdisciplinary topics.
Nouveaux savoir-faire– A 2 weeks workshop taught by Aurélie Mosse in collaboration with guests such as Maurin Donneaud, Antonin Fourneau or Atelier Sumbiosis aims at introducing a specific new know-how or emerging technique propitious to expanding the territory of traditional textile design.
que sais-je? – This two-weeks course designed by Aurélie Mosse in collaboration with J-F Bassereau aims at introducing textile design students to the literature review/state of the art practice and a better understanding of how to develop a research question within the context of design and design-led research projects. Following two conferences-workshops, students develop by group an hybrid literature and practice review on a specific area of research and innovation relevant to the textile design field.
Matérialités futures Led by Aurélie Mosse & J-F Bassereau, this course aims at exploring new opportunities for textile, material and surface design through a design-led research project developed in collaboration with academic, research or industry partners. Students are exposed to new materials, processes, technologies or methodologies in relation to textile design practices. They use textiles and materials as a creative medium to question their relationship to the world as designers to nurture innovative scenarios, materials or prototypes.
M.I.A.O – module interdisciplinaire de l’atome à l’objet 1 week interdisciplinary course bringing together students from chemistry and design backgrounds to explore the design of materials from atoms to objects. J-F Bassereau and Aurélie Mosse have taken part into the design and teaching of this course initiated by Paris Tech Chimie in collaboration with Ensad with the support of PSL.