
Lieux de vie(ux)

Lieux de vie(ux)

A 6-week project developed in collaboration with the architectural agency SCAU in the framework of the materiality futures course, 1st year MA Textile & Material Design in 2019.

In dialogue with the architecture.s in which it is inserted, students explored which roles textiles can play in the design of places for the elderly. The focus was especially on how textile design can deal with the relationship patients have with their memory, the question of intimacy and being at home, the loss of landmarks and disorientation. Three proposals were developed by groups of 2-3 students, ranging from a deployable textile hut to welcome relatives to a design kit supporting inclusive decoration for people with visual deficiency, including the design of an entrance space with poetic and transitional qualities for residential care for senior citizens.

students: Astrid Commeigne,  Lucie Maine, Marine Montiel, Elise Ory, Nicolas Quet, Lou Ramage, Sophie Zampieri

Coordination: Aurélie Mosse

Teaching team: Jean-François Bassereau, Aurélie Mosse, Eric de Thoisy

Partners: the architectural agency SCAU

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