Papierplume technology

Papier plume technology (2016 - 2018)
The Papier Plume technology is the result of Cardepar, a research project between 4 Grandes écoles belonging to Paris Sciences et Lettres University (PSL), led by Soft Matters, Ensadlab in collaboration with ESPCI, Chimie Paris Tech and les Mines Paris Tech, in the framework of a transversal programme of the University.
Innovation – It lies in the responsible design of a bespoke material and its forming process from local paper waste. This new foam material made from up-cycled paper represents an alternative to foam core. The Papier plume supersedes the latter in terms of use value, environmental impact and openess. and be itself up-cycled several times. It has been the object of a patent submission, registered on the 31st of January 2018 under the following number FR 1800097.
Development – The Papier plume is now in a stage of maturation, in the perspective of its transfer as workshops for arts, design and architecture schools but also as applications in multiple sectors. Feel free to contact us to discuss further perspectives around this technology.
Further results We extended form-finding explorations for this foam in the Today’s paper waste, tomorrow’s materials MA workshop as presented in the video above.
In the ImpressioVivo project, we investigate more specifically its 3D printing and rigidification through biocalcification. Besides, the technology has been referenced in 2024 in the Ecothèque, a French eco-material platform for scenography.
Project leader: Jean-François Bassereau
Main researchers: Aurélie Mosse (ENSAD), Cécile Monteux (ESPCI), Olivier Jourdan, Mathieu Merlet-Briand
Funding: Initiative de Recherche Stratégique et Interdisciplinaire (IRIS), Paris Sciences et Lettres University
Related publications
- Mosse, A.; Bassereau, J.F., 2022, ‘Material probes into paper waste as a bacterially-induced and 3D printed foam: combining biodesign and circular principles’. In Frier Hvejsel, M., Cruz, P.J.S., Structures and Architecture. A viable urban perspective? Proceedings of ICSA 2022, 5th International conference on Structures & Architecture, Aalborg, 6-8th of July 2022, CRC Press.
- Mosse, A., Bassereau, J.F., 2019, ‘Soft Matters: en quête d’un design textile et matière plus résilient’, Sciences du Design, n°9 Développement durable (Mai 2019), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Bassereau, J-F., Monteux, C., Mosse, A., Merlet Briand, M., Jourdan, O., 2018, Le papier plume, conception d’un matériau up-cyclé par et pour la création’, poster, Matériaux, 19-23 Novembre 2018, Strasbourg .