Today’s paperwaste, tomorrow’s materials
Today’s paper waste, tomorrow’s materials
A 2-weeks workshop for Ensad textile design master students, 1st year MA in the context of the « nouveaux savoir-faire » course in 2020.
A major stake of the ecological transition goes by the need to develop new modes of production in order to build more circular models, no longer generating waste. Yet, paper constitutes an emblematic waste deposit of the post-industrial society. Reaching ¾ of waste production in office activities, paper is in this context only recycled up to 25% except archiving, even though it can easily find another life after use.
Combining conferences and hands-on exercices with a more personal phase of creation and appropriation, this course aimed at initiating students to circular design through the up-cycling of paper waste. It investigated more specifically the form-finding potentials offered by a foam made from paper waste, recently patented in the framework of the Cardepar research project and allowing to replace the traditional foam board’s core, -derived from oil- with a recyclable and biodegradable alternative. As such, students have explored new ingredients, questioned new form-finding process, new sensory properties uses for this foam.
Students: Laura Bartier, Ines Bel Mokhtar, Maty Biayenda, Coraline Chancibot, Alyssa Jos, Minji Koo, Julie Lagarde, Alexandra Lenartowicz, Eléonore Pierrard, April Saint-James
Programing & coordination: Aurélie Mosse
Teaching team: Jean-François Bassereau, Aurélie Mosse with the participation of Justine Laurent (Circulab), Céline Monteux (ESPCI), Elisa Zeno (Centre Technique du Papier).