Profanations textiles
Profanations textiles
A book collaboration with the architectural agency SCAU and the textile & matter design department of Ensad
How textiles can transform the way we think and materialise space? How to suggest more resilient relationships between buildings, their inhabitants and their environment? Here are some of the questions permeating this book. They have been tackled through the site of the Saint-Eustache church in the heart of Paris in the context of a pedagogical workshop developed by Soft Matters and their colleagues of the object design, interior architecture and textile design departments of ENSAD in collaboration with the architectural agency SCAU. The different ideas explored by the students constitute the warp of this book. The weft is composed of a series of texts linking or prolonging the viewpoints, the blind spots drawn by these projects. Jean-François Bassereau addresses more specifically the fold as a useful metaphor for design-led research methodology while Aurélie explores the meaning of the veil as a space and the metaphore of the skin as a mean to change the way we inhabit space.
Distributed by Les Presses du Réel.