Microbiologictextile futures
Microbiologic textile futures
A 6-weeks collaboration with WAAG’s textile lab, Amsterdam for Ecole des Arts Déco textile design master students in the context of the « matérialités futures »‘ course in 2018.
Students explored by groups of two the potential of microbiology for the development of more sustainable textile concepts, processes and outcomes. By learning how to produce colours from bacteria and investigating how materials such as kombucha or mycelium leather can be grown, they questioned and explored the design opportunities and constraints offered by these microbiologically produced substances for the expansion and renewal of the textile industry.
Students: Alice Billaud, Blandine Fournet Desesquelle, Miléna Gateau, Ella Guarrigue, Anaïs Hervé, Jeanne Tazartez, Emy Tsaï, Quiterie de Visme
Coordination: Aurélie Mosse
Teaching team: Jean-François Bassereau, Ista Boszhard, Aurélie Mosse, Cecilia Raspanti
Partners: Ista Boszhard, Cecilia Raspanti, Textilelab, Waag, NL